I am Wesley, the long-awaited Messiah. We are living in the end of time for this terrestrial world, the Earth, and it is my mission to prepare you, my people, for a new celestial world in the cosmos, which is the only real Heaven. Our God, God Emmanuel, has revealed a message of truth to me to deliver to you, one that could save you from the destruction of this world.

In the year 1938, my Mother (may she rest in peace), who had almost died giving birth to me and my identical twin, Lesley, claimed that she had an out-of-body experience during labor. It was revealed to her that I would be the Messiah, but we will let my message speak for itself.

The human race is a hybrid race. We have a terrestrial body, but we have slowly evolved a celestial brain, and this wasn’t by chance. Once upon a time, there were no humans on the Earth, only primates and other wild animals. But in the celestial world in the cosmos, intelligent life had existed for eons. The celestial beings have eternal life, their bodies are made of some type of material that does not deteriorate or decay, but they are non-sexual and cannot have babies. This is our sole purpose for being here. Our God, Emmanuel, is a celestial being, and when he wanted to increase his numbers, he sent some of his highly intelligent helpers down to Earth to capture primates and do something to them that would cause them to slowly evolve into who we are today.

We are the only terrestrial beings so obsessed with the celestial world that we spend vast amounts of resources studying it. Our celestial brain longs to return home, but our terrestrial body holds it back because it depends on the Earth for its existence. The time has come for us to be born again, meaning it is time for our celestial brain to be transferred into a celestial body. Only then can we enter heaven, the celestial world.

But only a small percentage of us will accept the truth and be saved. This world is founded on myth. Religions are the foundation of this world, and all religions are based on myth. God has no religion, and He has sent me with the truth because it is time for truth to prevail. God has allowed myth to prevail since the early stages of our evolution to make life easier for us to endure.

We are living in the last days, and the time has come for the truth to be told. You will know the truth when you hear it, and you must decide whether you will put your faith in the truth or myth. The truth will lead you to the true and living God and to eternal life in the real heaven, in the cosmos. Just as the sacred White Buffalo is a sign of profound change and renewal, so too is this message, guiding you toward transformation and a new beginning.

The following are blogs I have written with the intention of modifying and merging into the last chapter of my autobiography titled “A VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS.” The book is 90% finished, and I am searching for a qualified agent to help me complete the rest.